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Gmod Gaming - Prop Hunt X

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Last Check
Ai Disabled 0
Ai Ignoreplayers 0
Coop 0
Deathmatch 1
Decalfrequency 60
Dedicated d
Fretta Voting 1
Game Descr Prop Hunt
Game Dir garrysmod
Game Id 4000
Hostname Gmod Gaming - Prop Hunt X - prop rotation - no css - custom map
Keywords gm:prop_hunt gmws:1754658833 loc:us ver:241029
Map ph_crashhouse
Max Players 28
Mp AllowNPCs 1
Mp Autocrosshair 1
Mp Fadetoblack 0
Mp Falldamage 1
Mp Flashlight 1
Mp Footsteps 1
Mp Forcerespawn 1
Mp Fraglimit 0
Mp Friendlyfire 0
Mp Teamlist hgrunt;scientist
Mp Teamplay 0
Mp Timelimit 0
Mp Weaponstay 0
Mv Change When No Player 1
Mv Cooldown 1
Mv Mapbeforerevote 2
Mv Rtvcount 3
Mv Timelimit 28
Num Bots 0
Num Players 0
Num Rules 158
Os w
Password 0
Ph Allow Prop Pickup 1
Ph Autotaunt Delay 90
Ph Autotaunt Enabled 1
Ph Autoteambalance 1
Ph Customtaunts Delay 5
Ph Enable Custom Taunts 2
Ph Enable Devil Balls 1
Ph Enable Lucky Balls 1
Ph Enable Plnames 0
Ph Fc Cue Path misc/freeze_cam.wav
Ph Fc Use Single Sound 0
Ph Forcejoinbalancedteams 1
Ph Freezecam 1
Ph Game Time 30
Ph Hunter Blindlock Time 30
Ph Hunter Fire Penalty 3
Ph Hunter Kill Bonus 100
Ph Hunter Smg Grenades 1
Ph Language en
Ph Min Waitforplayers 1
Ph Normal Taunt Delay 5
Ph Notice Prop Rotation 1
Ph Precache Phe Core 1
Ph Precache Taunts 0
Ph Prop Camera Collisions 1
Ph Prop Collision 1
Ph Prop Jumppower 1.400000
Ph Round Time 300
Ph Rounds Per Map 10
Ph Swap Teams Every Round 1
Ph Use Custom Plmodel 0
Ph Use Custom Plmodel For Prop 0
Ph Use Playermodeltype 0
Ph Waitforplayers 0
Phe Check Props Boundaries 0
Physgun Limited 0
Physgun Maxrange 4096
Port 27015
Protocol 17
R AirboatViewDampenDamp 1.0
R AirboatViewDampenFreq 7.0
R AirboatViewZHeight 0.0
R JeepViewDampenDamp 1.0
R JeepViewDampenFreq 7.0
R JeepViewZHeight 10.0
R VehicleViewDampen 0
Sb Version 1.521
Sbox Bonemanip Misc 0
Sbox Bonemanip Npc 1
Sbox Bonemanip Player 0
Sbox Godmode 0
Sbox Maxballoons 100
Sbox Maxbuttons 50
Sbox Maxcameras 10
Sbox Maxconstraints 1000
Sbox Maxdynamite 10
Sbox Maxeffects 200
Sbox Maxemitters 20
Sbox Maxhoverballs 50
Sbox Maxlamps 3
Sbox Maxlights 5
Sbox Maxnpcs 10
Sbox Maxprops 200
Sbox Maxragdolls 10
Sbox Maxropeconstraints 1000
Sbox Maxsents 100
Sbox Maxthrusters 50
Sbox Maxvehicles 4
Sbox Maxwheels 50
Sbox Noclip 1
Sbox Persist
Sbox Playershurtplayers 1
Sbox Weapons 1
Secure 1
Sensor Debugragdoll 0
Sensor Stretchragdoll 0
Steam Id 85568392923373276
Steamappid 4000
Sv Accelerate 10
Sv Airaccelerate 10
Sv Allowcslua 0
Sv Alltalk 1
Sv Bounce 0
Sv Cheats 0
Sv Contact your@email.address
Sv Footsteps 1
Sv Friction 8
Sv Gravity 600
Sv Hl2mp Item Respawn Time 30
Sv Hl2mp Weapon Respawn Time 20
Sv Maxspeed 10000
Sv Maxusrcmdprocessticks 24
Sv Noclipaccelerate 5
Sv Noclipspeed 5
Sv Password 0
Sv Pausable 0
Sv Report Client Settings 0
Sv Rollangle 0
Sv Rollspeed 200
Sv Specaccelerate 5
Sv Specnoclip 1
Sv Specspeed 3
Sv Steamgroup
Sv Stepsize 18
Sv Stopspeed 10
Sv Voiceenable 1
Sv Wateraccelerate 10
Sv Waterfriction 1
Ttt Allow Discomb Jump 0
Ttt Credits Starting 2
Ttt Debug Preventwin 0
Ttt Det Credits Starting 1
Ttt Detective Hats 1
Ttt Detective Karma Min 600
Ttt Detective Max 32
Ttt Detective Min Players 8
Ttt Detective Pct 0.125000
Ttt Firstpreptime 60
Ttt Haste 1
Ttt Haste Minutes Per Death 0.500000
Ttt Haste Starting Minutes 5
Ttt Namechange Bantime 10
Ttt Namechange Kick 1
Ttt No Nade Throw During Prep 1
Ttt Postround Dm 0
Ttt Posttime Seconds 30
Ttt Preptime Seconds 30
Ttt Ragdoll Pinning 1
Ttt Ragdoll Pinning Innocents 0
Ttt Round Limit 6
Ttt Roundtime Minutes 10
Ttt Teleport Telefrags 1
Ttt Time Limit Minutes 75
Ttt Traitor Max 32
Ttt Traitor Pct 0.250000
Tv Enable 0
Tv Password 0
Tv Relaypassword 0
Version 2024.10.29