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  Test2 for GmodGaming forums
Posted by: Fryman - 01-18-2020, 12:21 AM - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

Just a simple test to display forum posts in discord. Renamed bot to match forums name.

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  Forum bot
Posted by: Fryman - 01-17-2020, 11:14 PM - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

Just a test for the gmodgaming forum bot

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  My config files for all to use
Posted by: mr_chillington - 09-24-2019, 06:07 PM - Forum: Help - FAQs - No Replies

Updated 10/4/2019
Here are my configs for you to use, they have been edited so you can pick what you want to use or just use them as a template.
Here is what the main file looks like.
The zip file will be attached for you to download.

//First a list of keyboard key names
//Hope it helps

//Key Names - names for binding
    //Numpad 0 - KP_INS
    //Numpad 1 - KP_END
    //Numpad 2 - KP_DOWNARROW
    //Numpad 3 - KP_PGDN
    //Numpad 4 - KP_LEFTARROW
    //Numpad 5 - KP_5
    //Numpad 6 - KP_RIGHTARROW
    //Numpad 7 - KP_HOME
    //Numpad 8 - KP_UPARROW
    //Numpad 9 - KP_PGUP
    //Numpad Dot or . - KP_DEL
    //Numpad ENTER - KP_ENTER
    //Numpad + - KP_PLUS
    //Numpad - - KP_MINUS
    //Numpad * - KP_MULTIPLY
    //Numpad / - KP_SLASH
    //Numpad next to Slash - KP_NUMLOCK

    //windows key left - LWIN
    //windows key right - RWIN


    //Print Screen - Can not be bound
    //Scroll Lock - SCROLLLOCK
    //Pause - NUMLOCK
    //Insert - INS
    //Home - HOME
    //Page Up - PGUP
    //Page Down - PGDOWN
    //Delete - DEL
    //End - END

    //Arrow Key Up - UPARROW
    //Arrow Key Down - DOWNARROW
    //Arrow Key Left - LEFTARROW
    //Arrow Key Right - RIGHTARROW
    //You can not bind this key ;

//Slots - what they are
    //slot1 - malee weapons
    //slot2 - magnum
    //slot3 - smg
    //slot4 - shutgun

//ULX Mod Commands please bind the menu command for the love of god... Looking at you fryman...
    //full list of ulx commands can be found here https://pingperfect.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=659
    //!menu (typing this in chat will open up the ulx menu (but just bind the one of the folling to a key))
    //xgui - opens menu
    //ulx menu - opens menu
    //ulx gag * - the emergency gag all command (makes it so no one can use their mic(mutes you too)
    //ulx gimp * - ADMIN ONLY... the emergency gimp all command (makes it so no one can type in chat

exec "/scripts/dances.cfg" //excutes this file so then we can bind alias from that file.
exec "/scripts/tickrate.cfg"

//remove // (comments) from the binds below if you want to use it.
//binds (change these to whatever keys you want) example: bind "<key>" "<command>"
    bind "alt" "+cjump"
    bind "c" "msgdeath"
    bind "/" "tgag"
    bind "." "tgimp"
    //weapon binds
    bind "r" "slot3"
    bind "q" "slot4"
    bind "z" "slot1"
    bind "1" "robot"
    bind "2" "muscle"
    bind "3" "dance"
    bind "4" "laugh"
    bind "5" "disagree"
    bind "6" "wave"
    //utility binds
    bind "0" "say !3p"
    bind "x" "xgui"
    bind "[" "stopsound"
    bind "]" "stopsoundscape"

    //crouch jump
        alias +cjump "+jump; +duck"
        alias -cjump "-duck; -jump"
    //msg + death (types a message in chat and kills yourself instantly
        alias msgdeath "say I tripped!; kill"
    //toggle gag all
        alias tgag "tgag1"
        alias tgag1 "ulx gag *; alias tgag tgag2"
        alias tgag2 "ulx ungag *; alias tgag tgag1"
    //toggle mute all (again Admin only)
        alias tgimp "tgimp1"
        alias tgimp1 "ulx gimp *; alias tgimp tgimp2"
        alias tgimp2 "ulx ungimp *; alias tgimp tgimp1"

echo "Keyboard_Binds loaded"

Attached Files
.zip   cfg.zip (Size: 3.51 KB / Downloads: 5)
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  New Advanced Sprays
Posted by: Fryman - 06-16-2018, 09:56 AM - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

New Spray Addon

* New spray addon for all servers
* The new addon allows you to use standard images, animated gifs, sound files, music files and YouTube videos.

* to access the command, simply type !sprays in chat. Use G to spray

* The type of Sprays are based on a users rank.

* Standard users can use a standard image such as jpeg, png, bmp, etc 

* VIP users can use a standard image plus an animated gif

* PRO users can use a standard image, animated gifs, and sounds or music files

* Moderators can use standard images, animated gifs, sound files and YouTube Videos

* All other ranks such as Sponsor, operators or owners can use anything available.


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  Gmod Gaming - Advanced Prop Hunt Rules
Posted by: Fryman - 06-12-2018, 11:25 AM - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies


1. No cheating
2. No glitching (such as hiding inside another object or texture which makes you invisible)
3. You must be completely visable as a prop
4. You can NOT hide in an unaccessible spot
5. You can not go to areas that are out of bounds for a map.
(such as jumping off a wall to the outside area of a map or illegal zone)
6. No excessive use of foul language
7. No Racism
8. No ghosting (automatic perma ban)
9. No mic or chat spamming or voice changers allowed
10. No trolling
11. Not allowed to switch teams to avoid being a hunter
12. No nudity in sprays
13. You are NOT allowed to hide under cars unless all 4 tires are full of air
14. If you have a problem with a player, talk with an admin and do not start a fight

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  New map - TTT DOOM
Posted by: Fryman - 02-24-2018, 02:10 PM - Forum: Maps - No Replies

Just added a new map on DMV TTT

Maps is called: TTT Doom

A map inspired from the original classic game DOOM.

[Image: medium]

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  New Prop Hunt map - ph_winter_tundra
Posted by: Fryman - 02-18-2018, 07:25 PM - Forum: Maps - No Replies

New prop hunt map on DMV gaming PropHunt.


Let me know if there is any bugs or issues.


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  New map UNDERTALE - MTT Resort
Posted by: Fryman - 02-18-2018, 02:12 PM - Forum: Maps - No Replies

Check out this new map on DMV TTT.


Server ip:

[Image: medium]

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  New map DMV TTT - TTT Dune
Posted by: Fryman - 02-16-2018, 09:13 AM - Forum: Maps - No Replies

Added a new map to DMV TTT called The Dune.

Details Here:    TTT Dune

Looks pretty cool. Check it out on DMV TTT.


[Image: medium]

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  Fretta - Prop Hunt Scoreboard issue.
Posted by: Fryman - 02-04-2018, 06:33 PM - Forum: Bugs - Issues - No Replies

Apparently several VGUI elements are broken after Garry's Mod December 2017 update. So far I have not found a fix for this. 

Dbutton and Dlabels labels appear stacked in scoreboard header. Need to find a possible fix or Fretta - PropHunt scoreboard
will need re-coded using the new VGUI derma skin changes. If anyone has any insight on this let me know.


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